Monday, November 21, 2011

Mayhem in Denim

I mentioned a couple of days ago, what a delightful trip we had back October
 with our nephew Gus wedged into our already full suburban.

I sang his praises here.

He was a "peaceful and calming influence" in the car...
which I'm pretty sure...
...let me think about it...
...yep which I'm pretty sure he's never been called before.

Don't believe me?

Well let me introduce you to the usual scene...
and this was on my BIRTHDAY!

Yeah.  You see what I mean.

On this particular evening, after we poured out of our suburban and got over the trauma of being together in a vehicle...

...there was a little business to attend to!

Look at how the roles are reversed in this picture.  I'm the kid and Katie is the supervising 
and proud parent...
"Don't get your hair in the fire sweetie."


"Mom the boys hurt my shoulder..."
Well...all was back to normal.
Except for that big poof of hair on the back of my head.
You would think somebody would have told me...
but they are used to my pouffy hair, so..
the pouffier the better.

Speaking of how your family views you..
get a load of the JEANS my BRAVE husband bought for me.
I didn't know what to think!
Still don't know what to think....

Husbands of the world...
buy jewelry not jeans.


Dana said...

Chuckled out loud :) Tim IS brave! So ... have you tried on the jeans yet???

Anonymous said...

We love reading your blog. IT makes us miss you guys so much! Happy birthday. I don't know jeans aren't so bad. Did you at least try them on?