Did you know that my son only played one tournament in AAU ball before he had to have knee surgery...and that he really believed that those silly white knee pads would help his knee?
Did you know that my daughter turned FIFTEEN last spring
and was attended in present opening by very excited family members?
I bet you weren't aware that Lily took swimming lessons either!
Or that this chic can run!
She doesn't like to run...but she can do it!
Easter eggs were a family affair this year....
as was Timmys BAPTISM which he did alongside his best bud.
Did you know that high fives are were given?
...and certificates....!
Surgery on the knee soon followed...the day after Easter as a matter of fact!
Did you know that this is a picture of Zach taking a picture of his own kneecap?
Well...a piece of a kneecap anyway.
(You can leave this website anytime you like....I'll understand)
We had a cutie pie turn SIX
..and she was just a little excited....
...to get her first American Girl doll!
Did you know that Zach is available to help at little girls' birthday parties?
But he doesn't promise to promote literary skills...
She will promote literary skills
and creative spelling....
...and logic..sort of...
....and did you know the girl can jump?
Did you know that this guy...
...cleans up pretty nicely, I must say...
...and he's always willing to pose with fans...
...or butterflies...
Did you know....she was third in conference?
As a freshman?
It kinda caught us by surprise too!
She wasn't sure what to do!
Our dog is doing fine....
...and this is how we roll when we go to the cabin...
plants, pets and people
Did you know our dock about washed away twice!
But I saved the day....
with my trust wrench....
Yep...here's me....
...saving the day...
...others were of some help as well....
My sweet niece graduated....
and we all went.
Andrew turned EIGHTEEN
and determined to no longer cut his hair....
Timmy turned TWELVE
and determined to make it the best year ever....
..and chew quieter...
...and to win all the awards he could...
...in every contest he entered.
Speaking of winning.....
thank you Adam.
It was an interesting day at the amusement park!
Did you know you can put on funny hats and pack rice for starving children?
Well you can.
And you should.
Even this guy knows this!
Did you know that Zach had ANOTHER surgery?
...right before we celebrated Andrew's birthday by fire!
Some like it hot.
Some don't.
Well that about catches you up on everything you MIGHT want to know about our family through June. What can I do? I have so much to tell you, but if I blog about each event, I'll never get through. I hope you don't mind this whirlwind tour of last spring. Look for a whirlwind tour of the summer coming up, and a slower, kinder, gentler Fall. Thank you for your patience.