Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sanibel Stories: A Sing-a-long

Sing with me!

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip!

That started from this tropic poooooort,

Aboard this tiny ship!

The mate was a mighty sail-or man,

The skipperrrr brave and sure.

Five passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour,
A three hour tourrrrrr.

The wea-ther started getting rough!

The tin-y ship was TOSSED!!!

If NOT for the courage of the fearless crewwwww...
The Minnow would be lost,
The Minnow would be lost.

The ship set ground on the shore of this -

...uncharted desert isle.

With Gilligannnnnnnn,

The Skipp-er tooooooo,

The millionaaaaaaaire (wish), and his wife,

The movie *STAR*!-

The Grandma and

 The Professor AND Mary Ann,
Here on Gill-i-gan's Isllllllllle.

The first mate

...and the Skipper too,

...Will do their very BEST,

To make the others comfortable

In the tropic island nest!
the tropic island nest!

No phone!

No lights!

No motor cars!

Not a single luxuryyyyyy,

Like Robinson Crusooooooe,
As primatave as can beeee.
As primatave as can beeee.

Thanks for the memories.

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