Friday, May 13, 2011

Sanibel Stories: Lily's World

I'm going to tell you a secret.
I write this blog for myself.
To remember.
To remember moments in time.
To remember God's blessings.
To remember the details of these days which fly by
with eagle's speed.

Last summer I was standing at the cabin, and an eagle swooped down before my eyes, grabbed a rabbit and flew away. 
It had begun, happened and was over before my brain could even register what had just occurred.
Later, I could remember so little that I wondered if it had truly even happened.

That is how my days and weeks go.

So this blog is my record.
Frame by frame sometimes.
And for that I apologize.
Maybe you aren't interested in each frame.
But to me they are precious.
I'll never get them back.

So please bear with this post.

These shots were taken on the same evening as my previous post.
But I don't want to forget them.
I don't want them to fade.

 Lily's World:
It's a world with sparkly skirts...

and hats galore...

...where taunting the ocean...

 is a sure bet....

 to get wet!
She just got drenched in this picture.
We are all standing in suspense to see how she takes it!

Well, not all were standing.

He's bracing himself....

...but it's ok....

 Tragedy averted.

It's all good.

In Lily's world...

she's the princess...

 and she sings...

 and frolics

and kicks up her heels.

She's got her court....

...or posse...

and life....

is for dreaming

...for playing...

in the sand...

for thinking...

and solving...

....the problems of the universe

with a hug

and a smile!

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