Friday, January 28, 2011

Garland Gone Gorrilla

So here's something that my closest friends and family know about me.  Once I decide I'm into something, I have a tendancy to go a bit overboard. "go gorrilla."
It's genetic.
We'll leave it at that.

This year was the Year of the Garland.

It started during an innocent stroll through Sam's Club after Thanksgiving.

They had lovely, feathery holiday garland...all wrapped up for taking home...for turning any home into...

a winter wonderland/pine jungle.... I did!

One evening after the garland had been sitting in my trunk for a week,
I began the delicate task of putting it all up...
...just as if I had a plan for how I was going to do it...
...make it all look premeditated was my goal... Tim would help me with the high parts.

I was halfway through when Tim came on the scene...
...the perfect stage for getting help!

Tim said very little as he helped me  hang and twist and drape...

...of course I knew what he was thinking...
..."She just can't help  herself!"

Even Molly couldn't believe her eyes....

"No more!  No more!"

Next year "we" decided that we won't do garland.

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