Look deep into his eyes. His older brothers had convinced him that it was a silly little hoop that Mom makes every one of her male offspring jump through, and to rest assured that if he NEVER practices, she'll soon give up and let him quit.

Look at the eyes...it's there....
But, wouldn't you know it? He's great at it! And he likes it! It's like Mikey and Life cereal! Like Sam I Am and the poor whateverheis who finally tries the green eggs and ham! It's like spinach artichoke dip at Applebees...seriously just try it! He has now had three lessons and he's flying through! And...GET THIS!!!...I have to tell him.... TO TELL HIM...to quit practicing! The universe just split down the middle as I typed that!
We (ok I) also strongarmed Katie into restarting piano after a three year hiatus with the tactic of going light on the piano and also letting her take guitar. The lovely teacher above is very talented and can do both (plus voice) AND can come to MY HOUSE!!! (Don't tell her, but I'd pay anything for that!) But I don't have a picture of Katie, because it's not generally a good idea to approach and take pictures of 13 year old girls who are being forced to do something they really don't want to do in order to get the privelege of doing something they do want to do. In fact, your best bet is just to keep your distance. And keep paying that teacher! And give her nice gifts at Christmas....and maybe Easter....and May Day maybe....
And it just so happened that the "first lesson" coincided with my Mom's visit. And "you know who" (Lily in case you're new around here) was ALL over it just as soon as the teacher was gone. And since my dear mother plays and has taught music for 10 years to K-6th graders, I was thrilled when the two of them sat down at the piano.

Lily intended to show Grandma how to play the piano.

Grandma was determined to show Lily how to play the piano.

...and she'd reach up and change the instrument selection (It's not a real piano...it's a fancy keyboard that looks like a piano.)...before Grandma could finish...
Wait....those hands....that face....I've seen that whole picture before in my head...like it happened long long ago, in a land far far away....as if from my childhood..... Hmmmm.

But Grandma persisted....she never gave up!

Lily knows when she's beat....and when she's not....

...and although Grandma got some good plays in and probably deserves a medal or something for persistance and patience and all that...

....she never quite got the best of her grandaughter...
Just a sidenote...I LOVED this sweater on Mom. Then this past weekend I learned that people who have high contrast coloring (dark hair and light skin) look best in clear, bold colors....so no wonder I liked it. Just a little fashion tip for ya! ;)
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