"Twas a cold cloudy day on Lake Alex...

...but excitement was high! Why?

Because we were about to get to watch people wipe out on the jet ski!
Nothing is more invigorating than watching loved ones cheat death!

She regards the machine. Mike instructs.

But off she goes......

....a rough start....or two....

...and it's off into the wild blue yonder!

Standing up is the challenge.....here she goes....

.....one knee up and......

SUCCESS!!!! Alyse is a great sport. Seriously. It was cold.
But she loved it!

First you rotate on your belly....

...and then just wander around the lake backwards....until you hit something I guess!

We think you're crazy, Mike....entertaining...but crazy!

"Let's see you beat that, Tim!"
Remember your lake allergies!
What follows is Tim asserting his dominance,
defending his honor...proving his ability to do whatever Mike can do!

First the takeoff!

All's well so far....lookin' good!
close to the dock so as to be admired by all....

...Initiating rotation....and gasping for air....

...the PIROUETTE!!!!!....this is the trickiest part!...
except for the swimming trunks...they are all wrong....
...but it's a beautiful move nonetheless!
But it was grand...lots of spray and a nice longwhile before we knew if he was alive!
Way to go Tim!
Thanks Mike!
Great job Alyse...hope you've finally warmed up!
ONE MORE THING: notice how Tim's mouth was open through the whole thing!
Was he screaming....gasping...singing???? We'll probably never know.
1 comment:
Tim, you are a bad influence on my little boy...
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