Andrew's friends from youth group contacted me and asked if they could throw him a surprise 16th birthday party! I WAS THRILLED! It was almost his birthday, and we still didn't know how to best celebrate it. THEY DID A MARVELOUS JOB! They did it all! The invites (facebook), the food (cakes) and an amazing decorating job, as you will see!
The plan was that everybody would be waiting to surprise him in our basement when he came home from basketball practice. It worked great, and, except for him being rather SWEATY (hence my title) and ....not exactly fresh... everything was perfect.
Here are the lookouts!
Here's the sign!
Here's the aftermath of the pile on.
He was completely surprised!
One of the girls made him a basketball cake...
...and another made him a blue sheet cake.
It was a terrific party, thrown by some very special friends. We are grateful that God has blessed Andrew with so many caring people in his life.
Happy 16th Andrew!
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