Saturday, June 6, 2009

Retirement Surprises!

We had a retirement open house for my Mom over Memorial Day
at a coffee shop in the town I grew up in.

"We," I mean. My brother Tim and his wife Melissa did all the work.

My aunts and uncles came. It was great to catch up and see them again!

It was also fun for me to see old friends and teachers..even an old
principal from grade school!
But of course we made it a surpise for Mom! Telling her would
be so.....BORING!

Here's my sister Sarah (on the right), my niece (middle) and my
sister-in-law's mother (left- who also put in a lot of work)
as we WAITED for her to come around the corner! She didn't know
we were there!

Here's Lily and Katie as we waited for Grandma Marsha!

And here she is when she saw us!

We're not exactly sure what she was really thinking, but let's just
assume those are tears of joy...yeah we'll go with that!

Here she is thinking about all the lies we told her to
make this happen. Lying is wrong. Except for surprises.
I think.

I cherished watching my Mom have fun and celebrate. That's my brother
Tim standing behind her on the chair. He's not much of one
to have his picture taken...this will have to do. He and his wife
Melissa, as I said earlier, set this whole thing up and did all of the work.
Not to mention they fed all of us at their house Friday night and Sat. morning while
we were "in hiding."I wish I had a picture of Melissa, but I don't have a good shot.

Just trust me, she's beautiful. Here's their daughter:

This is my other brother Jess, chatting it up with Mr. Kerkhover,
my former (I shall stop saying "old," I think) Social Studies,
Geography, U.S. History and World History teacher. We REALLY
home in Georgia!

This is my baby sister Alyse with Katie. Freakin' me out how
grown-up my daughter is looking. We are leaving the braces
on FOREVER!!!!
Stop it!

Half of the food table. We enjoyed that too!

Katie and the Strawberries. Shortly after this, Katie ATE
all the strawberries. All of them. Look at her face. She was
planning on scarfing them right as I took this. That's why
she was there! Sorry everyone who wanted strawberries.

Back at the house afterwards.
I am not as fat as I look here.
Great time.
Happy Retirement Mom!!!
And thanks to all who came!


Chris said...

Suzanne, I love it that you say, "I'm not as fat as I look here." It is true! But I would just not post the picture (how sad is that!) and then no one would see your special family picture. I want to be more like that! Because you are very svelt...

Suzanne said...

Thank you Chris. The check's in the mail. (;

Sarahbeth said...

Thanks for posting the pictures, Suz! We were sad we couldnt come--I called right in the middle of the party just so I could feel like I was there :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great celebration.