Easter Sunday is my favorite holiday of the whole year. It has been for a long, long time. So it was with some mental discomfort and emotional wincing that I even planned this D.C. trip over the Easter holiday at all. BUT, I was encouraged by the fact that we would have the opportunity to visit Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA, the church that we worshipped at when we lived in Virginia and which was the first "church home" that Andrew and Zachary ever knew. So in a way it felt as though we would be celebrating our Lord's ressurection in a comfortable and known setting. And it was truly an amazing service. It fed our souls and felt as though we'd never left. Strange, I know, since a lot has changed since 1996. But the spirit of worship and the Word of God were present in that place, and we had a blessed Easter morning. Of course, it's a little impossible to take pictures of Easter morning service, so I just have this one, hastily snapped, against the side of the building:.
But is was great...a celebration and a homecoming in one. The kids unanimously approved our church choice, as well... with enthusiasm!
But BEFORE we celebrated Easter at Immanuel, there was a little business to be taken care of...

"WHAT! Are you kidding me? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

"This is AMAZING! The Bunny found us in the HOTEL!"

Look at the trail the bunny left!


"MMMMMMMMMmmmm... all in a row!"

But BEFORE we celebrated Easter at Immanuel, there was a little business to be taken care of...

"WHAT! Are you kidding me? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

"This is AMAZING! The Bunny found us in the HOTEL!"

Look at the trail the bunny left!


"MMMMMMMMMmmmm... all in a row!"

Savor the moment! Check out Lily....
...look what the surprise and sugar did to her hair!

Some REAL food to mitigate the effects of the sugar rush...

Our traditional Easter picture on the couch...just not our couch....

...and a reminder that Easter chocolate is usually something of a disappointment.
NOTE****In the writing of this post, I was suddenly overcome by a chocolate craving too intense to be denied, and I resorted to raiding one of the children's stashes (I know them all). I ate THREE Ferrero Rochers which I always buy for the kiddos because they don't really like them and I DO!!!!!! Yummmmmm!

Some REAL food to mitigate the effects of the sugar rush...

Our traditional Easter picture on the couch...just not our couch....

...and a reminder that Easter chocolate is usually something of a disappointment.
NOTE****In the writing of this post, I was suddenly overcome by a chocolate craving too intense to be denied, and I resorted to raiding one of the children's stashes (I know them all). I ate THREE Ferrero Rochers which I always buy for the kiddos because they don't really like them and I DO!!!!!! Yummmmmm!
What took me back was the WHITE SWEATER on Lily and the major choc. bunner in her hands! You are a brave mom, if not a very good laundry lady!
I am sooo taking your candy giving strategy! ;)
Chris, the white sweater with choc. bunny picture was taken AFTER church, and on the way to Mount Vernon where we were about to change our clothes in the parking lot. :)....and it was a rental car!
Timing is everything!
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