Time: Thursday April 9, Early afternoon.
Place: Just outside the Capital Tour Entrance
Status: Finishing Looting the Garbage and Taking Great Pictures
the "boys" moved on....

and took this....
This one is my favorite... I took it having just finished restocking the pantry all without ever making eye contact with the guards....
BUT...what makes this happy little family photo session memorable is that WHILE we're busy playing "professional photo shoot"...our stroller, "abandoned" at the bottom of the stairs 20 ft. away, is being reported, investigated by security guards and confiscated....ALL WHILE WE WERE STANDING THERE TAKING PICTURES! NONE OF US NOTICED! (I would like to point out that the person taking the last shots and thus missing from the pictures had her back to the stroller and therefore cannot be held culpable.
After "capturing the last shot," my hungry brood descended upon the stolen beef jerky and chips (for back story click here), and already feeling the inklings of hunger-repressed guilt, we sort of high-tailed it up the stairs and out on the overpass before some big irate mamma from West Virginia beat us up with her purse for stealing her jerky! We were a good 50 ft. along before Lily had gotten her mitts on enough food to satisfy and then inquired about her stroller. We immediately leaned over the walkway rail, looking down on where we had left and discovered it gone!
Let me just say...THEY WERE NOOOOOTTTTT HAPPY WITH US! I stayed back, while Tim went a lookin' and ended up getting a tongue-lashing from some men in black! That was the FIRST time this trip we almost made the evening news!
They reluctantly gave us the stroller back.
Lesson learned....well......hmmm.......not really.... stay tuned!
How long were you there to cause this much rucus? :)
We took about 10 pictures with me giving posing advice for each one...so assuming the Lily got out of the stroller while I was garbaging...I don't know...10 minutes? Hey...at least we didn't abandon Lily IN the stroller!
oooh! I can't wait to hear more!!!
I still like the one of all five kids better than Tim with the glasses on ~ sorry Tim :) It's a GREAT shot ... the sky is a perfect blue, the clouds are happy, you've got the flag in it ... your kids all look like they like each other.
I think I could agree with that, Dana, now that I look at them again. We took about 10 of them, and this one with the kids did stand out. Thx.
I love the photos but you are not in any of them Suz. I suggest you use that nice smile of yours and grab a passer by and have them take the shot so you can all be in it. Looks like you guys had a great time. :)
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