Monday, March 30, 2009
that's all I have to say about that tonight.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Break Part One: Breckenridge, CO
Princess Ariel (a.k.a. Lily) was in good spirits for the camera!
Katie is standing next to the Casa Bonita sign in Denver...There was a little bit of shall I say...angst...about whether we should take the time to stop here at this memorable Mexican theme restaurant when we still had to get through the mountains that night, but when Andrew (who was voting NO not to go to the restaurant) said that he remembered it from several years back, it was deemed worthy of another stop so that Timmy could also be amazed by the cliff divers, cave tunnels and very mundane yet remarkably expensive mexican food.
Here we are at the condo in Breckenridge getting ready to hit the slopes on the first day. The first day of skiing is always traumatic what with getting everybody situated with their gear....apparantly altitude can make children suddenly grow three sizes so that they can't fit in the boots they wore last week! Did you know?
For some reason, we missed getting pictures of Andrew boarding this year. He's a fantastic boarder...but here he is being cool and pretending he doesn't know us. He's only looking at us in this picture because we MADE him! Can you feel the cool?
We had the kids' pictures taken mid mountain...turned out pretty well, although a little too much snowboard in the pose...and Timmy had one eye closed in every picture!
Zachary catching a lot of air at the terrain park. Like I said, Andrew does it just as well, but we didn't have the camera with us when he was doing it.
Good Tip: Always dress kamakaze boys in orange...helps you see them as they whizz and then crash in the trees! Timmy especially needs to be watched. I finally had to explain clearly to him that the ropes with the orange flags hanging on them meant that he should NOT ski under them. His reply: "They just put those there because of the creek down there, but it was no problem!"
Waiting for a table at the pizza place the last night....don't let the sweet angelic smile fool you...he's either grabbing Timmy by the you know what or about to...
Yes! My genes are in there somewhere!....reading a book on the street...I love it!
Rare footage.
Such a ham!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring Break Part Two: Mount Rushmore Detour
And they had absolutely no business being here either! This is taken on a full zoom....the fist in the air signifies that I IGNORED MY MOM ALL THE WAY UP HERE AND THERE WAS NOTHING SHE COULD DO ABOUT IT!!!! "HI MOMMMM!"
Again, no worries... it's the pictures I was too freaked out to take that were the problem...
Tim had to get in on it too! Notice the strained facial expression...facial expression is key to making it look really real...
Again, the hero woodsman rock climber risking life and limb....all the while Katie and Timmy had gone missing until they called from way up above.....somewhere....on some precipice....
Just so you know I was actually on this trip...
They are so cute!
Icecream Cones the Size of Your Head: Butter Pecan
"Mountain Hair"
There were absolutely no Tims, Zachs or Andrews on the monument building crew, but there was a Gustav L.....obviously a relative!
Like we hadn't had enough! we go again!
This was pretty fun...and soft.
Pretty safe here, huh?
THINK AGAIN!!!! See the dots that are my children...right there in the middle?!!Same picture!
I was in the car.
After another couple of hours of driving, we pulled into some old cowboy town in the middle of nowhere South Dakota....the pool was cool...'s the view as we left. Eerie.
Our Dog Story: Frodo and the Happy Ending
First, in order for the pictures at the end of this to have meaning, I need to give you a "little" background story....
It all began with our fourth child, Timmy.

One winter when Timmy was four or five and still held the status of "baby of the family", it just so happened that a pregnant stray showed up at my parents' door in Southern Illinois. This is not unusual; in fact this is the most common way that my folks acquire dogs! Don't spread this around, but no dog is ever turned it came to be that "Lucy" and her several offspring born later in the spring were fully embedded in the Curry household when we came to visit that summer. There were at least five puppies, all at the adorable "furball" stage and ready to find families...desperate to find families.... It was INEVITABLE! It was UNAVOIDABLE! would have been much BETTER if Tim had been along to sanction the decision! But for some reason he was not, thus I am forever branded with the full responsibility for the fact that we arrived back in Minnesota with one extremely adorable, fuzzy furred mutt with absolutely no training but a lot of love to give....and poop....lots and lots of poop...and pee that was pure grass killing acid...and toenails like razors, and fur that billowed in the wind and on my floor. His name was Fisher. (You are wondering where "Frodo" comes in...bear with me...)
Sadly, "we" were completely inept at training Fisher. I was too busy trying to train my kids! And I'd never had a house dog...which is a very different thing than a "run around wherever" country dog such as those I'd grown up with. After struggling for a year and a half, we decided that, to save our sanity, our marriage, (not to mention our floors and our grass), we would try to find an adoptive family. God knew we were at the end of our rope, because he provided a miracle almost right away in the form of a dear lady in my book club group who amazingly agreed to adopt Fisher as a companion for their 13 year old yellow lab named Fenway! Fenway and Fisher...perfect don't you think? I did! He went from being the frustration of the family to the adored pet who got walks every day. (The only person in OUR family with the inclination to walk Fisher was little Timmy; but after one attempt it became clear that Fisher flew Timmy like a kite and to let them go off would be to never see either one again!!...) So Fisher went to live with his new (and better, I'll admit it) family. It was the completely right and appropriate and as I mentioned before marriage saving thing to do...except for one thing which we didn't realize until about two years broke Timmy's heart.
And oh he'll tell you how it broke his heart. He especially likes to do so on holidays and at dinner parties! Believe me, he can make a grown man cry with his story. He is now nine and is getting quite professional at it. In fact, this past winter he had his dad feeling so incredibly guilty that Tim was ready to do the ridiculous, the impossible, the please somebody just knock him unconscious before it's too actually get another puppy for Timmy for Christmas! Gasp! I assure you, I wasn't going to let it happen!!! I threw myself across the proverbial train tracks on this one. It wasn't a hard case to argue, believe me. But Tim was in such throes of mesmerizing guilt that I had to resort to saying "dog poop..." over and over until the crazy light left his eyes and he came back, back to the universe we live in!
I had to compromise, my friends...I had to. There was no other choice once he'd brainwashed his Dad but to tell Timmy that when the older three kids leave for college, we will give it another try...with a small dog...who will be 100% trained before we get him and be completely, unretractably Timmy's responsibility. The words were scarcely out of my mouth before Timmy was running to get witnesses before whom I had to repeat the whole suggestion which was quickly transformed into a blood oath before I knew what was happening! I'm in deep! He reminds us every 10 days or so, and I suspect he's keeping a day count up in his room somewhere since he always has a fairly accurate time count as to when Andrew leaves for college. (Notice the subtle switch to when Andrew leaves not when all three older kids leave...he's sly that Timmy...but I'm onto him.)

True Love...and after only a day...
Now in case any of you dog lovers out there are making plans to throw a brick through my window or anything, let me just say that Timmy sees Fisher on occasion and in fact just recently got a good all over bodywash from Fisher who is always ecstatic to see any of us, even Tim. (Go figure.) And he has been emotionally healed somewhat by the promise of a dog of his own in a few short years, not to mention the guilt leverage he now expertly holds, especially over his dad. And, although I hope it is under happier circumstances, I'm sure Lisa will loan us Frodo in the future and Timmy can get his dog fix that way. See? It all works out, Praise Be to God. The End.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hello from Breckenridge!
We completed our picks Thursday morning, and I picked UCONN to go all the way...that's the University of Connecticut by the way...I just follow Zach's advice because he's been researching this for weeks. Why reinvent the wheel? And who cares anyway? Well, a lot of adolescent and post adolescent males, it after game after game. Does anybody get this? Has anything this meaningless ever meant this much to SO MANY people? Am I the only one who even wonders this? Please tell me I'm not alone.
Alright, this is getting boring with no pictures, so I'll quit. We are leaving at 6 in the morning, going to do a Mount Rushmore driveby Lindquist style, and then either drive it all the way home or go as far as we can...I've had two dreams now about a dead cat, so I'm a little anxious to get home and check on Angel Sweetiepie Lindquist (Katie named him four years ago....the girls we got him from told us he was a girl...) Anyway, that's the plan, and on Monday I'll post some pictures and that will be much more interesting, I'm sure.
One Lily quote to finish with:
On her third day of skiing: "Dad, you can quit following me now!"
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Minnesota Tough

Minnesota Sunbathing...our blood is thick and our skin is white!
"Spring Break here I come!"
Who wants to tell her that we are going to Colorado not Florida?